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The Ultimate Fountain Buying Guide

We have put together a detailed knowledge base about all you need to know about Fountains to answers all your questions and help you make an informed decision 

Also see: Indoor Fountain Buying Guide, Outdoor Buying Guide and FAQs 

  1. Types of Water Fountains
    1. Indoor Water Fountains
    2. Outdoor Water Fountains
  2. Water fountain Benefits
  3. Anatomy and parts of a fountain
  4. All about the Pump
  5. Pond and diapering pools
  6. Maintaining and cleaning water fountains 
  7. Winterizing the fountain
  8. FAQs- Frequently Asked Questions

Types of Water Fountains:

Water fountains can be broadly classified in to Indoor and Outdoor fountains.

Indoor Fountains:

Some of the top reasons people look for Indoor water fountains are to create a soothing and tranquil environment. Business also take advantage of these features to have an indoor water feature to create a pleasant and welcoming space in their lobby while also impressing their clients with their Logo engraved on to these fountains.

Some of the most common types for Indoor Water fountains are:

Wall Mounted – Wall mounted fountains come in all sizes. They can be a centerpiece on a wall or the wall itself! Artistic fountains are very popular as they enhance the area with soothing water flow sounds as well as are a conversation piece with an impressive of hand painted art.

Artistic Wall Fountain
Logo Wall Fountain

Wall fountains also come in nature inspired real stone for a stunning backdrop with multiple choices to truly customize your fountain look.

These can be further customized with engraving of your company logos or even your favorite phrase. At Majestic Fountains you can find multiple Artistic and Nature inspired Wall fountains.


Floor Fountains – Free standing  

Floor fountains offer the customizable features of the Wall fountains with an additional convenience of portability. Floor fountains come with options to choose from natural stones like Slate, Marble, Glass and even Mirror. Each of these fountains can be customized further by choosing the Trim Metal colors, center or Flush mounted.
Artistic Floor Fountain  Logo Floor Fountain RT-3000 Rectangle AquaTower Aquarium
For a truly custom look, you can also request the fountain in custom dimensions that can be specially manufactured for you as a custom product. Floor Fountains are very popular for Logos and engravings for that added touch of luxury.   

Bubble features offer a range of Bubble Panels with Neon lights adding a mesmerizing effect to Floor Fountains options. It’s a fun and exciting feature that lights up any area.

At Majestic Fountains, you can also explore our Artistic Hand painted Floor fountains that come in 2D and even 4D deigns that can be center piece art.


For a detailed knowledge base of Indoor Fountains see our Indoor Fountains Buyers guide 

Outdoor Water Fountains:

Outdoor water fountains come in a wide range of Traditional and Contemporary designs.

Explore out wide range of Outdoor Water Fountains


Outdoor fountain can be broadly classified into:

Traditional Designs


Garden Fountains


Courtyard Fountains


Garden Wall Fountains


Tiered Fountains with an Old-world charm


Asian inspired Buddha Fountains


Contemporary Designs


      Ceramic Vase Fountains


      Vortex Columns


      Real Stone Columns


      Rock Cairn Fountains



For a detailed knowledge base of Outdoor Fountains see our Outdoor Fountains Buyers guide 

    Outdoor Fountain Buyers Guide


Benefits of a Water fountain


Anatomy and parts of a fountain

  • Tiers
  • Water tubing
  • Water basin
  • Fountain pump
  • Water distribution system
  • Exterior finish


An outdoor fountain has a reservoir or basin at the base of it. The water pools into this area and is then recirculated up to the top of the fountain by a water pump. The pump feeds water through a tube in the middle of the fountain and when it reaches the top it is projected out through one or many openings in the structure of the fountain itself. Some fountains are lion’s heads with the mouth open and the water trickles through the open mouth, some fountains spray jets of water, and others simply have water flowing down in cascading sheets into the reservoir (water wall).



All about the Pump



Pond and diapering pools

Maintaining and cleaning water fountains:

Knowing how to maintain your new water feature will ensure years of enjoyment and protect your investment. Whether you have an indoor or outdoor water fountain, regular care and maintenance are essential. Here are some tips on how to keep your fountain looking great and operating well. 

Basic Water Feature Maintenance

  • Proper Fountain Set Up: Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for assembly. If you have a wall mounted water feature, make sure it’s level and hung where its weight can be properly supported. Set your fountain close to an electrical outlet. Wiring the outlet to a light switch makes it easy to turn your water feature on and off.
  • Use Distilled Water: Use distilled water whenever possible. If this is not available, try to use filtered water. Tap water contains minerals that can create corrosive spotting, requiring more frequent cleaning. Tap water minerals also can cause your pump to overwork.
  • Maintain the Right Water Level: To prolong the life of your fountain, check the water level on a regular basis and keep your fountain filled to the specified level. The correct water level will depend on your fountain size and type, as well as the evaporation rate. Too much or too little water can result in splashing, spilling or excessive fountain noise, as well as wear and tear on your pump.
  • Set up a Regular Cleaning Schedule: Give your water feature a light cleaning once or twice a week and a heavy cleaning once a month. Keeping to a consistent cleaning schedule will prevent algae build-up, stains from water minerals and clogged pipes.
  • Follow Best Cleaning Practices: Use a mild liquid soap and a damp cloth or sponge to clean the inside and outside of the fountain and its inner components, such as the pump. The basin and any rocks installed in the fountain also should be cleaned to prevent algae growth. Fountains made of copper, brass and glass will have specific cleaning instructions.
  • Maintain Your Pump: The key to keeping your water feature in good working condition is maintaining your pump. Thorough cleaning of your pump on a regular basis is essential to keeping it working properly.


Winterizing the fountain

Outdoor Water fountains add beauty and ambiance to any home. They are beautiful and functional, but like other things in your yard, they need special care for cold weather. Besides regular maintenance, proper storage for winter is essential to keep your fountain working properly. Winterizing a fountain is not a complicated process and gets easier after doing it that first time.

The steps are the same for a large fountain or a smaller one. The basic steps are:

  1. Drain the fountain
  2. Dry the inside and outer surface
  3. Remove the pump and small moving parts
  4. Cover the fountain with a fountain cover or tarp large enough to cover it completely

Drain the Fountain: 

Draining the water out of the fountain is an easy thing to do. There should be a small plug or stopper near the bottom of the unit. Pull the plug and the water drains out. Once all the water is gone, dry the inside of the basin.

Dry it Thoroughly:

It is important to get everything perfectly dry after cleaning because algae and mildew grow in damp environments. Algae is a slimy substance that grows on porous surfaces that are not kept clean regularly. Clean and dry the inside thoroughly.

Remove the Pump (and small moving parts) :

Of all the parts of your fountain, the pump is the part that moves the water around so it is important to keep it in good condition. Make sure to disconnect it properly and store, along with any other small parts. The fountain should be completely empty when you cover it.

Cover it:

This last step is the easiest and requires the least amount of effort. All you need to do is to obtain a fountain cover or thick piece of waterproof tarp big enough to completely cover the fountain. Cover it to protect it from heavy rain, snow, and ice. Keep it clean and dry to protect it from damage and last as long as possible.


FAQs- Frequently Asked Questions

Thinking about investing in a water feature for your home or office?  What should you know before making a decision?  Here are commonly asked questions and answers from our customers.

I can’t find my installation instructions. Where can I get another copy?
Replacement installation instructions can be requested from your fountain manufacturer. 

How much maintenance will my water fountain require?
Water features are surprisingly easy to care for, but they do need some regular maintenance. This involves keeping an eye on the water level and adding water if needed; establishing a regular cleaning schedule; and maintaining the pump in good working order.   

How much electricity do water fountains use?
They use about the same amount of electricity as a small lamp. You should notice little or no change in your electric bill after installing your fountain.

What type of electrical outlet do I need for my water feature?
Both indoor and outdoor fountains plug into a standard GFCI outlet. 

How long is the average pump electrical cord?
Most pump cords are about 6 feet long. For larger fountains, the pump cord will be long enough to clear the width of the basin plus some extra. If you’re using an extension cord outside, you need to be sure it’s safe for outdoor use.

Do I need special plumbing?
No – all fountains are self-contained, and the water recirculates within the body of the fountain itself.

What kind of water should I use?
Use distilled water whenever possible to fill your fountain and maintain the water level.  If this is not available, try to use filtered water. Tap water contains minerals that can build up on your fountain, requiring more frequent cleaning, and cause your pump to overwork. 

How much water should I have in my fountain?
The correct water level will depend on your fountain size and type, as well as the evaporation rate. At a minimum, you should have enough water in your fountain to cover the pump. This is designed to work totally submerged in water. You should not run the pump for an extended period without proper water flow and cover.

How often will I need to add water to my fountain?
Moving water is a natural humidifier and evaporates faster than standing water. During the first few days and weeks of operating your fountain, monitor the water level to see how fast the water evaporates. This should help you determine how often to add water.

How often do I need to clean my water fountain?
It’s a good idea to establish a regular cleaning schedule for your fountain to keep it looking pristine and preserve your investment. A light cleaning is recommended once or twice a week and a thorough cleaning once a month. Use mild liquid soap and a damp sponge or soft cloth. For detailed instructions, see Tips on how to maintain your water feature”

How can I prevent algae build up?
Algae grows more quickly in bright sunlight. So, you may want to consider that when deciding where to place your fountain. Regular cleaning and changing the water every month also will help to prevent algae growth. A number of fountain care products are available that may be added to the water to inhibit algae build up. Read the directions carefully to make sure they are safe for kids and pets. 

Can I use chlorine to keep the water clean?
Use of chlorine is not recommended and will void most fountain warranties. Chlorine can corrode concrete, damage the pump and alter the color of the fountain. Instead, use an algaecide to safely remove algae from your fountain. Algaecides are safe for fountains and animals that may drink from them fountain and will not void any warranties.

My fountain has a foul odor. What should I do?
If your fountain hasn’t been turned on for a while and the water has been standing still, it will start to smell bad due to the growth of bacteria. To resolve this, simply replace the water. If the water cannot be removed, use a fountain cleaner as instructed in your user manual and run the fountain.

Should I leave my water fountain on all the time?
Yes – water fountain pumps are designed to run 24x7. You don’t need to turn your water feature off before bed or when you leave for work. Turning the power on and off actually is harder on the pump and may cause the pump motor to wear faster. 

How can I know how much sound my fountain will make?
That depends on the fountain size and type. The more times water interacts with the fountain design features, such as splashing from one basin to another, the more sound it will make.

If you are looking for an indoor fountain, you may want to choose a style where the water clings to the surface of the design feature, and drains into a basin. This will make a softer sound and reduce splashing.

Why is my fountain splashing?
If the pump is not fully submerged in water, it will take in air, and this may cause splashing. Make sure there is enough water in the fountain and that the pump is completely under water. Adjusting the flow rate on the pump also may help to resolve this issue.

Why is my fountain foaming?
Your fountain just needs more water. When there is not enough water in the fountain, the water may look soapy or milky. As the fountain fills with more water, the color of the water will clear up.

Why aren’t my fountain lights working?
This could be from a bulb failure or transformer failure. Contact your fountain manufacturer for a list of Certified Parts Dealers. 

Where can I get replacement parts?
Contact your fountain manufacturer for a list of Certified Parts Dealers

For a detailed knowledge base of FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) see our FAQs page


For a detailed knowledge base of also see: Indoor Fountain Buying GuideOutdoor Buying Guide and FAQs 

 Outdoor Fountain Guide           






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